Worker Safety and CDC Guidelines for Essential Businesses

Volan Media takes a look at how to keep workers safe during the COVID19 pandemic.

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Essential businesses are the frontlines for the coronavirus pandemic.

Many businesses, in particular, trucking companies, grocery stores, pharmacies and certain retail are busier than ever as their products and services are in high demand to slow the spread of the coronavirus.

For these businesses, some are not able to completely work from home.

Several of our clients fall into this “Essential business” category.

The CDC has provided guidelines to minimize the spread of COVID19 for companies that are remaining open.

  • Daily disinfect all surfaces in office, bathrooms and common areas, don’t miss door handles, elevator controls, light switches, computer keyboards and mice, and other surfaces
  • Cleaning staff should utilize disinfect approved against COVID 19 and wear gloves and gowns if possible. These should be removed after to avoid contamination.
  • Everyone should wash hands often! With hot water and soap for 20 seconds minimum, practice common use of high alcohol content hand sanitizer as well.
  • Try to space workers apart by 6ft min. distance to minimize spread.
  • If employees develop any symptoms, they should avoid interaction for 14 days and seek medical attention
  • Consider using a laser thermometer to check forehead temperatures as workers come into work. This is by no means a catch all or highly accurate approach to curtailing the virus, but it does provide a small layer of protection. If a employee has a fever they should not enter.
  • If an employee has a sick family member, they should alert the employer and try to remain isolated from the rest of the work force.
  • Try to avoid touching your face as much as possible
  • Always cover your mouth and nose during a cough or sneeze.
  • Clean your CELL PHONE at least once a day!

Really these are all very common sense steps, and while they will not halt transmission can without a doubt make the workplace safer for those of us that have to continue working through this unprecedented time.

Any business that can, should make an effort as well to provide curbside service, home delivery and reduce walk ins. Even for the automotive industry, providing at home test drives, more private and isolated vehicle showings, and certainly disinfecting automobiles before test drives can help to maintain a safer environment for both customers and employees.

Volan Media is fortunate that we are able to mostly switch to working at home throughout this crisis, but we are working closely with essential businesses to pivot marketing and communicate new delivery options and safety protocols that are being put in place.

Check out these CDC articles for more information:

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