Video marketing content is one of the most powerful ways to better leverage your brand, media buys, and social channels to interact with your audience. Learn the top ways to use video marketing content and the top types of video marketing content!
Videos have become a major tool for marketers seeking to better utilize their ad buys and marketing budget. Depending on the study and use case test, videos can increase CTR on ads and email marketing CTRs anywhere from 40-95% over plan text content.
This means that the buget you spend getting your ads in front of people will be much better utilized!
What types of video content are there and what type is right for your business?
As always, it depends. But let’s take a look at the different common forms of video marketing
Before we get into the types of Video marketing content, here are a few things you need to consider:
- Purpose:
What is the goal of your marketing plan? Is it to generate brand awareness, get customer to buy a product, promote a new product, inform viewers about a promotion or sale, explainer to viewers what your brand is all about.
All these are great goals, but the best and most effective content will be different for each goal. So make sure to actually write down what your goal(s) is for the campaign.
2. Audience:
Who will be seeing the ad? Many times this is largely answered by the purpose in step 1, but it good to have a concrete understanding of who your audience is. It could be potential customers that are unfamiliar with your brand, customers that maybe have bought before, but you want to tempt with a new offer. It could be other businesses that likely haven’t heard of you and you want to ad legitimany to yourself for B2B sales. The list goes on and one, but more specific you can get with your audience targeting, the more optimized your video can be.
3. Media Channel:
Where will the ad be seen? Will it be on social media, broadcast tv, email marketings, digital ppc, featured on your website? The answer here is generally a mixture, but it’s planning the channel your ad will appear will help you to narrow down length, timing etc.
Types of Video Content
Now that you have an idea of your goal, audience and where the ad will be seen, let’s take a look at the different types of video content.
- Broadcast Promotional ad:
These are the ads you commonly see on broadcast tv, cable, local tv etc. They come in many forms and can be used in many ways, but most commonly they are 30 seconds, push a sales offer or a new product based deal. Ads like this are used by every type of brand imaginable ranging from massive global companies such as Apple down to local car dealerships and nonprofits. Budgets can vary greatly depending on how widespread the commercial runs: will it run on a few local networks or run nationally on Comcast ? The level and complexity of production also will be a key budget determinant. Broadcast promotion ad campaigns can be more affordable than you might think for small or local businesses. These ads can also generally be easily adapted to be used in digital and social media placements as well.
- Case Studies:
Case studies are of the most effective ways to demonstrate your prior successes and eliminate doubt for potential customers. This is directly the reason that so many large firms spend vast sums building white papers detailing their findings, almost in the manner of a research paper at times. Sending a potential client a case study video that overviews the challenges the client faced, how you helped and the end results will go a long way towards moving that potential customers into a paying client.
- Interviews
Interview style video production is a common style that can be mixed with other types of common video production, but we typically integrate into case studies, startup videos and non profit work. It creates instant credibility for views and brings an emotional and human touch to what can at times be dry subjects. Putting viewers in front of someone telling a story or their experience in their own words also builds a stronger connection with the viewer.
- Branding and Explainer videos
Branding and Explainer videos can be the foundation of what your brand is. These can be used in several media channels, but typically a longer version will be created first to be used on websites, case studies, through email marketing etc, so that a specific time limit doesn’t have to be adhered to and the video can be exactly the length that flows best. Once the longer version is made, often clients will want a shorter version that is edited for broadcast use that is 30 seconds of occasionally 60 seconds.
- Startup Videos
Startup companies need a variety of marketing and PR to build the traction needed to get off the ground. Some of the most common types of video production used by startups are explainer videos that create interest for the new company and show perspective customers, talent, investors and industry veterans why they should care about the new firm and what problems it solves. We’ve worked with startups to craft explainer as well as promotional videos. Many times explainers videos use a generous amount of animation to effectively show off UI and software products.
- Non profit videos
Maximizing impact should be the goal of any nonprofit and to do this requires effective communication and outreach. Many times non-profits and charitable organizations will use a variety of video types to provide the content necessary to expand and promote their mission. Often interviews used in explainer videos can be a highly effective longer form video to convey how important the mission is and what type of impact the charity generates. Sometimes these videos can be used almost as case studies on a nonprofits particular projects or as a yearly review. Videos provide a level of engagement and emotion that just isn’t there in other forms of media. Nonprofits also utilize more traditional broadcast advertising to promote charitable events or drives. Over the years we’ve created many broadcast campaigns for non-profits to promote concert series and other yearly events that are staples of a charity’s fundraising efforts.
- Corporate Videos
These aren’t always the most exciting types of video content, but they are effective and needed regardless. Video content generally forms the core of recruitment, training and other internal company communications to employees and perspective employees. Often clients have used our corporate videos as a method to show off company culture, advancement opportunities and even pitch new ideas and growth plans to stakeholders.
Video Content in Advertising
Video content is no longer optional for businesses of all types. With data based studies clearly pointing to the effective ROI off video content on CTRs, engagements, social media reach and email marketing, you need to be serious thinking about the best way to integrate video into your marketing plan.
As we’ve said above, the first and most important element to any marketing plan is to pen your goals, as every following step will be based on what you want your marketing to achieve. Incorporating video into your marketing will represent a step forward in campaign spend ROI and efficiency. If your competitors are using video in their marketing, you need to make it a priority to start utilizing video sooner rather than later to avoid losing customers and market share.
Regardless of what type of video content you need, we can help. We’ve have made hundreds of videos, of every type imaginable to create content that is most effective for the client’s goals. Over time we’ve refined our processes to effectively utilize available budget, time, and get your project done quicker than you might think. Volan Media is a top Knoxville Video production company and top Knoxville advertising agency.