Essential and Non Essential Businesses

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Essential and Non Essential Jobs

As the coronavirus continues to grow, local and state governments are taking increasingly strong steps to curb it’s spread.

As of now, parts of Tennessee including Knox County, Nashville and Memphis are executing “Safer at home” orders that force the closure of “non-essential” businesses.

In particular for many small businesses the amount of uncertainty, lowered demand and potential forced closure has put a lot of pressure on them financially.

As always, health comes first, and even when then pandemic control measures lighten, you will need a healthy workforce to return to normal operations.

We’ve broken down the common topic of Essential vs Non-Essential businesses below.


Federal and state offices and services, including airports, post offices.

Government law enforcement, transportation and businsses that support government function and programs.

Food and Beverage providers such as: grocery and beverage stores, feed mills, food processing, food banks, catering.

Sanitation and Waste removal

Water, Sewage and Energy Services

Heath care including mental and behavioral, biomedical research and any business that directly supports health care and medical function

Pharmacies and Medical supply Businesses

Banks, insurance companies, accounting and insurance and financial support businesses

Home and Business repair including hardware supply

-Vehicle Fuel, service centers and transportation related support

-Legal and Judicial

Cleaning services including Laundromats and Laundry Center

-Warehousing and Storage

-Construction and facilities design businesses

-Product Logistics, transportation and distributions services including trucking, parel, rail, ocean and air freight and any businesses that support these operations

-Veterinary and Pet supply Businesses, including those for Livestock and farming

-Delivery based businesses

-Internet and Telecommunications and supporting Businesses

Some daycare centers will stay open to support parents that are working in essential functions

Non Essential Businesses:

Craft Businesses

-Gyms, and workout centers

-Theaters including movie, playhouses and music etc

-Shopping malls,

-Golf courses

-Sporting and concert venues

-Skating rinks-

-Dance schools

-Entertainment such as bowling centers

-Hair salons, tattoo parlors etc

-Retail that does not support curb side only

CDC guidance can change as the coronavirus situation changes and all businesses should take care to adhere to CDC recommendations for social distancing and practice sanitation of grounds.

Thankfully many retailers primarily grocery stores, pharmacies and other retailers are providing special hours to accommodate senior citizens.

The Coronavirus has disrupted nearly every business in the USA and affected nearly every member of the population. As the virus continues to spread and with most of the United States and much of the world on essential lock down, small businesses in particular are facing tough choices and immense pressure to balance their financial stability with the health and continued support of their employees.

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