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Virtual and Augmented reality are the future for marketing and branding content. The vast leaps this technology has made over the last five years means that high quality virtual reality content around your brand is now possible.We have worked with some of the nation’s leading medical providers to showcase a treatment plan from the patients’ prospective. Check out the link here.
Virtual reality can take your case studies, promotional content and explainer videos to the next level. Virtual reality typically incorporates both live action footage from our special 360 steroscopic 8K camera system and 3D computer generated imagergy to form a virtual world in which the viewer inhabits. With immense freedom to build a near limitless levels of imagination, we’ll create by far the most interactive content you’ve ever had.
For conferences or expos, a virtual reality experience will guarantee you have more people than ever before surrounding your booth, and anyone who experiences a VR expo demo will get a truly lasting impression.

Total Immersion

Virtual reality is incredibly memorable for viewers as well, the level of professionalism a virtual reality project projects on you can be powerful, with viewers talking to friends about the experience weeks after.
Our typical virtual reality project involves a lot of planning to understand exactly what experience you want to build and who your target viewer will be.
How much does VR production? The short answer is it depends on overall length, monoscopic or stereoscopic, locations, travel and use of actors, but we tailor our VR production services to your budget. We’ll custom craft our virtual reality content to connect with and wow any viewer.Let us know how we can take you into the future!

Start your project today!ImageImage[/cs_content_seo]